Wednesday, May 27, 2009

First Time for Everything

Man oh man, has it been a month for the books. Family issues, graduation from college, moving, returning to "the nest", job search, start of a new internship; it's been something of a ride for me. I can't quite complain, as this means that my life is moving forward.
Strange as this is, I sometimes wish it would move just a little faster. I hate being stuck in limbo, and that is pretty much where I am. I'm not as flexible as I used to be and I don't think I could ever bend over backwards to get under a stick.

1. Find a big girl job
2. Study for the GRE
3. Apply to Grad School
4. Move again!

With some sort of luck (and just because he's that awesome) my fiance will have a job in Washington D.C. by the end of the month. That would be cool. Therefore, I must find a job too, as I am the one that wanted to go to D.C.

There is a grad school there that I want to go to: American University.
I will post a link to the program I want to take part in:
If you scroll to the bottom and see where they have tacked on a Degree in Theological Studies, that's what I'm aiming for. I'm hardcore.

I think I'm ready to start trying to be an adult now. It's weird, growing up. Not all bad, but weird.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and your silly japanese boy bands and everything that you are so so so so much!
