Friday, February 18, 2011

What I Did Today

I went to AC Moore and bought a shadow box. I brought the box home, unwrapped it from the plastic, removed the paper and opened it up. I placed something inside that box. I put the box aside and fetched hammer. I got a picture hanging nail and placed it against the wall. I drove the nail into the wall with my hammer. Then, I put the shadow box on the nail. And this is what is in the box:

I win at life.

Why, Lindsey, you may ask, is that a Vessel: The Advent by Tominda Adkins in that shadow box that now adorns your wall? Why, yes, kind stranger who is creeping around asking dumb questions, that is what that is. A Vessel: The Advent by Tominda Adkins, signed, on my wall there. FOREVER. Why yes, it is the most awesome work of art I have ever seen. I am ever so pleased that you asked, creeping stranger, now, get out of my apartment. Lawd.

In other news: I went on a date with that dude I am married to, we went to a neat Mediterranean/Italian placed called Delia's. I would like to share the appetizer with you, because it was FANTASTIC. It was potato and goat cheese balls and they were great. Here is a picture:
NOM Rating: 5 out of 5
Then we went to see a movie; I am Number Four. It is based on a young adult book and I quite like it. I'm going to go stalk around the internets and get some more information on it, then possibly download it to my Kindle. The Husband made a grave mistake when he got me that thing. He should have known better, really. I have a fever, and the only cure is more BOOKS. I bought the book for my youngest cousin for Christmas, I figured then I would wind up reading it. It is now confirmed. I will have to read it. There will be sequels.

I'm going to bed. I love you all. Stay classy.

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