Thursday, March 10, 2011


My running partner.
I continue to surprise myself with the running. I guess this Couch to 5K program is really designed to trick your body into thinking it's not doing that much work. I mean, I know I'm working hard at this, but it continues to not be quite as hard as I thought. I hope that makes sense to someone reading this, it makes sense to me.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle win.
I started Week four of the plan on Tuesday, I just completed day two. It was raining when I went down to the little workout room underneath the leasing office. Therefore, it was deserted and I was able to take pictures like a creeper.

It's been a pretty boring week at work and combined with the weather, I've felt inclined to do pretty much nothing. This includes a paper that is due soon and homework for my classes. You know, working ahead is totally overrated. I suspect it will get better when my "Spring Break" is over and I'm back on a schedule. For now, it's just work and coming home to run!

I'm making this face because of the sweat dripping down my back. Uck. 

Yeah, that's mostly it. I'm pretty excited for my friend Gin to come and visit me at the end of this month! Her boyfriend is coming too and I get to meet him, which is great because I have not yet. I'm going to take a bit of time off work to hang out and do tourist things (I love tourist things in this city, they're mostly free.) so I should have some good pictures. Yay! 

I wanted to share this song with you, because I love it. Do you love it?! 


  1. You look great Z!

    That's one of my jogging songs too!

    Whoo! Less then 2 months!!!!

  2. I'm so excited!!!!! I can't wait to see you! :)

  3. That is a great song and funny video! I like Maroon 5.
