Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I'm just excited that Tominda Adkins is getting her book soon and that means I get a copy soon to hold! It's gonna rock! I can't wait! I am so proud and excited and wow! Yeah!

Let us get to the picture I took yesterday and the pictures for today.

This is Monday, in class. That's my friend C, and her chest. Man, I don't know how that happened. I put the camera on the table and pointed at C and the other friend sitting down at the end there, who shall be known as BB. And I managed to mostly get a shot of her boobs. They are fantastic though, so I can see how that could have happened subconsciously.

She looked at the picture after I took it, she knows I said this, so don't be offended on her part. She knows I love her.
This class is my International Negotiation class, we learn how to talk to other people. It's pretty awesome, but I won't bore you with the details at this exact moment. Someday I will regal you with how you need to build momentum and other such things, but for now we'll put that on hold.

So for today, here is another school shot, but instead, it is of my dinner. Yay! I like to nom on an apple that I sliced and topping it off with a Baby Bell Swiss cheese wedge. Very healthy. Then I have myself a special K bar. This class is a more general class, we have a lot of guest lectures and it's ok. The other one is better. (I apologize to any professors of mine who may be reading this.)

And now, I will give you the rest of the pictures for today, as taken by our guest photographer, S: 

C, being fantastic.

S's Coke Zero

The orange, wrapped in plastic. It must be some sort of metaphor.

Special K Bar, for the special girl. Me.

I plan things, as you can see.

S took a boob shot of me, since I take them of C.

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