Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Outside of work, today was a glorious day! I saw the sun! (I'm sorry to my friends who are currently stuck in the blizzard, I hope you are ok.) Look, I will post the picture I took of the sun, in memory of this time.

I kept hearing that song, "Let The Sun Shine In", is that from Hair? Anyway, it was about 50 degrees when I went outside for a brief run to the bank. I was stunned. I may have even broken a sweat. It's hard to say. I did squint a lot. It was nice. I haven't seen any blue skies in a while either (which is hilarious, as that's what the blog is called). Look at that though! Blue skies!

I took this one just so I could note the color of the sky again. I was pretty pleased to get out of the office for a few moments. I'm so ready for spring, but not summer. I hate super hot weather. I'm all about moderation, even in my weather.

What else made this day great? Well, I made one of my favorite dishes, curry, that my good Japanese friends taught me how to make in college. (Oh how I miss them.) I did a good workout, and I feel good from it. Tominda's book is officially released! Her release party is tomorrow and you can buy the thing on her website right now! Please support her awesome work and go check it out. She has the option to download the e-book or you can buy the paperback. I bought two. I plan to frame one as soon as I get it. I'm going to cry all over the other one. I can't wait!  They only thing that would make this evening better would be if chocolate and peanut butter didn't have calories!

Die snow! DIE! 

Another small tidbit: I've had this song stuck in my head for days.

Crash Kings - 1985 (I saw them in concert. It was awesome.)

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