Monday, February 21, 2011

President's Day Rocks

Today was a day free from work and school! Glorious. I started my second week of the Couch to 5K program. I was going to start it on Wednesday, but classes got switched around and I would not have been able to do that, so I did it today. It was ok. I really like the intervals and I'm hoping they will be effective in building my stamina. I'm sorta psyched about actually being able to run with the ability to breath. I'm not looking for it to be easy, but I like this build up.

I didn't take any good pictures today because I have mostly been hanging out in the apartment. I read the rest of a fun book and ran, but other than that I slept in and did homework. Here is a photo for the homework portion, haha!
Great Negotiations. I love history.
I'm actually taking a break from the homeworking at this moment to write this. I'm also chowing down on peach frozen yogurt, and felt the need to take a picture of that too. Nerd.
I expect the rest of the week to be more eventful than today, although I love not having much to do. It's relaxing. I should probably get back to my homeworking, I won't have much time to finish it up tomorrow and it's due on Wednesday! Ah, grad school, you are so fulfilling.

Oh yes, before I go, I would like to pass on the news that my ear is not turning into some strange bubble monster (I have seen this happen to others' cartilage piercings and decided to show you how well mine is doing). I am pleased with my decision to pierce it again. As long as it does not become a bubble monster.
Yes, that little shiny thing in the middle of my ear.

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